Improving Our Homes & Community One Plant At A Time
Since 2020, the Cumming Garden Club has partnered with Chaplain Bryan Lake of Northside Hospital-Forsyth, offering our expertise and labor for the garden design, implementation and maintenance.
Labyrinth Committee Members - Please use this link to sign up for monthly garden maintenance
In August 2020, Cumming Garden Club organized a Garden Planning Committee to assist Northside Hospital-Forsyth with the hospital’s labyrinth garden beautification project. Bryan Lake, Chaplain of Northside Hospital-Forsyth, oversees the garden project. Available to hospital employees, patients, family and friends of patients, the garden has a striking interior sundial and beautiful fieldstone walkways. CGC was asked to provide a plan, timeline, scope of work and budget for planting the spaces between the flagstones. The goal was to update the garden’s curb appeal and overall beauty by replacing plants in poor condition and amending the poor soil.
CGC committee members and volunteers oversee the Labyrinth Garden year round. We provide necessary maintenance and improvements on an “as needed” basis, presenting seasonal color from annuals, among a beautiful mix of perennials.
On October 13-14, committee members amended the soil with organic matter, potting soil and soil conditioner.
Then plants were strategically placed around the interior sun dial and walking areas.
(Left Photo) Selma Paul and Barbara Henry start planting
(Right Photo) Completed initial planting
In mid-October, the Labyrinth Garden was mistakenly dug up by a contracted landscaping company. Very sadly, we lost all of the plants we have so lovingly planted over the past 4 years. We are devasted by this loss, however, we have since planted over 100 bulbs for Spring 2024, and the landscaping company contributed dozens of flats of pansies for a bit of color to get through this winter. Members of the Labyrinth Garden Committee are busy developing plans for the future, with hopes for another vibrant and thriving space for thought and reflection.
Many friends and relatives of Northside patients enjoy the peace and beauty here.
Cumming Garden Club's evening group (below right) made a fall excursion to the garden and snapped the photo above.
Group photo was taken by a hospital nurse who was informed of the project while eating her lunch in the garden.
Some new plants added were Marigolds, Gerber Daisies, and Lamb's Ear.
Since deer had greatly enjoyed the pansies and cabbages, this intrepid four replanted annuals on a chilly February day.
Deer netting was installed over plants to deter further munching.
Selma Paul and her husband Steve provided the hoops to hold netting.
Copyright © 2025 Cumming Garden Club - All Rights Reserved.
Webmaster: Elizabeth Scott Updated February 4, 2025
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